ESG - Environmental Protection, Health, and Safety


Long-Term Goals, Long-Term Value

At SF-Filter, we recognize that long-term value can only be created through responsible behavior. Our corporate philosophy is based on the ESG principles: Environmental Protection, Social Responsibility, and Corporate Governance.


We are proud to be a leading distribution brand for mobile and industrial filters, serving over 30,000 European customers with locations in Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France, and Poland. Our filter technology eliminates pollutants across all mediums with reduced energy consumption, thereby minimizing environmental impact. Simultaneously, we are committed to upholding the highest work standards and leadership principles.

SF-Filter: ESG Principles for Growth and Innovation

The significance of ESG principles for businesses, investors, and society at large is increasingly recognized. At SF-Filter, we view ESG as an opportunity for growth, cost reduction, avoiding fines, boosting productivity, and attracting investments.

We understand that neglecting ESG principles can potentially lead to unnecessary waste and packaging costs, incur penalties, receive negative media coverage, lose skilled workers, fail to recruit the best talent, lose customers, and surrender market shares to competitors.

We aim to fulfill our ESG responsibility in the following three areas:


1- Environment

As a filter distributor, our goal at SF-Filter is to improve environmental quality by eliminating pollutants, thereby creating added value for the environment. At SF-Filter, we are committed to supporting the environment in the following ways:


  1. Products

Filters specially designed for air, liquid, and water purification to reduce environmental pollution.

Energy-efficient products to reduce our customers' energy consumption and subsequently minimize the CO₂ footprint.

Reduction of unnecessary packaging to diminish material and energy costs, as well as waste after usage.

  1. Production Environment

Lowering water consumption in production and services.

Recycling daily waste to reduce landfill waste.

Minimizing carbon emissions by utilizing energy efficiency in production.

Cutting production costs through energy efficiency.

Every employee plays a role in reducing waste and resource consumption.

Together, we can build a sustainable future that benefits the environment, society, and our company.


Employees are the heart of the company, creating an atmosphere of integration and support.


We aim to foster a fair, open, and inclusive work environment and are thus committed to:

  1. Diversity/Equality

Encouraging a wide spectrum of applicants to apply.

A diverse workforce promotes varied thinking, fostering innovation and growth.

We believe in equal opportunities for all staff concerning promotions or training.

We advocate for a safe working environment free from discrimination, regardless of ethnicity, national origin, class, religion, disability, gender, age, sexual orientation, union membership, or political affiliation.

  1. Human Rights

Adhering to local and international human rights laws within the supply chain.

No child labor, slave labor, forced labor, or human trafficking within the supply chain.

Monitoring the supply chain and refusing to collaborate with suppliers who do not share our ESG goals.

  1. Community Relations

Promoting and participating in local community activities that support economic, environmental, and social development.

  1. Employee Engagement

Listening to and respecting employees at all levels.

Right to form a union and/or join.

Rewarding employees for their performance.

  1. Product Safety

Consumers have the right to quality products that have been rigorously tested.

Manufacturing high-quality products for customer satisfaction.

  1. Workplace Safety

Preventing incidents and accidents at the workplace.

Everyone is responsible for safe working.

Consideration for the safety of others in the workplace.



Corporate Governance is the process and structure by which a company is controlled. It enhances the company's accountability and transparency. When mismanaged, the company faces risks such as weak long-term growth and the potential for regulatory fines. When executed properly, the entire company is motivated, understands its values, and strives for efficient production.


We encourage:

  1. Sustainability as a Priority

Long-term sustainability of business, society, and the planet in focus.

Not concentrating on short-term gains with higher risks.

  1. Business Ethics and Integrity

Upholding the highest standards in work.

Fighting corruption as a duty to meet due diligence.

Corruption undermines trust and transparency.

  1. Responsibility of All Employees

All employees accountable for adhering to governance in daily work.

  1. Whistleblower Protection

Whistleblowers empowered to report unethical behavior or governance violations.

No penalties for whistleblowers.

Criminal activities reported to relevant authorities.


At SF-Filter, we are committed to a sustainable future and invite you to join us in making a positive contribution to environmental protection, health, and safety.

Any questions? We are at your service!

Do you have any questions regarding our products or would you like a personal advice? No problem, contact us directly.
We'll be pleased to help you!

  • +48 76 746 73 00
  • SF Filter Sp. z o. o., ul. Towarowa 10, PL-59-300 Lubin